Hi all,
I am trying to insert multiple records using nested json request body but when I am inserting it using POSTMAN I am getting following error
Binding new entities to existing entities via NavigationProperty is not supported
Following are the artifacts that I am using to do so :
service url : http://server:port/logic/odata/person.xsodata/PersonBean POST
request body :
"PERS_ID": 30,
"FIRSTNAME": "TstFNameClient",
"LASTNAME": "TstLNameClient",
"E_MAIL": "TstemailClient@gmail.com",
"AddressBean": [
"ADDRESS_TEXT1": "tstadd1client",
"ADDRESS_TEXT2": "tstadd2client",
"CITY": "tstcityclient",
"STATE": "tststateclient",
"COUNTRY": "tstcountryclient",
"ZIP": "12345",
"PERS_ID": 30
OData Service code :
service namespace "cust.quote.service" {
as "PersonBean"
navigates ("Address" as "AddressBean");
as "AddressBean";
association "Address" principal "PersonBean"("PERS_ID")
multiplicity "1" dependent "AddressBean"("PERS_ID") multiplicity "*";