I am currently retaking the the introduction course in the HANA development and wonder about the HANA studio GUI presented there.
I see on the HANA Dev site that there is the Studio and the Client. Do I need both for installation? Or is in the studio already the client provided? If not, why are they separated? (instead of combined?)
Short: What is finally required for installation?
Plus in the intro on the second unit it is mentioned that I have to install as well some regi (???) client to access the HANA repositories. Is this still true? Also reg. config I see in the 1.0.80 version not the config-items as mentioned in the video. So, do I need them? resp. where to configure them?
And last but not least I wonder about the statement that the System View is not much used. Better use the Project Explorer (or so). According to the video you could create your own files with the extensions you like and they will automatically associate with the proper editor. Is it really that in daily business the System View is hardly used? One creates his/her own files with appending the appropriate file ending?