Today I discovered that the a Delivery Unit archive file exported from browser based ALM UI is corrupted.
This always happen when I use Chrome browser. This doesn't happens on FireFox browser. Share with you so that you don't have to spent too time on this issue.
Is this a bug in the browser side javascript code in /sap/hana/xs/lm package?
The archive file has a .tgz extension.
Here's the error in the ALM browser UI when I tried to import the .tgz in question.
Version info:
HANA Version:
Version (NewDB100_REL)
Build Time 23-May-2014 12:00:36 PM
Platform SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.3
Linux Kernel Version 3.0.101-0.8-ec2
Chrome version:
Version 36.0.1985.143 m
FireFox version: