hello all, we are trying to import a delimited file which contains point data. i've gone through a bunch of other blogs and discussions and the tips and info there were not enough to resolve our issue. apologies in advance if a solution has been posted elsewhere that i missed.
we've done the following on both rev 70 and rev 73 in a CAL / AWS environment. hana studio revs match the corresponding hana rev.
A) this works...using a create & insert statements...however, the file that we need to load is about 330,000 records so this is really not an option.
create column table TEST01 (ROW_ID SMALLINT, LL_POINT ST_POINT(4326));
insert into TEST01 values (1, new ST_POINT(-160.1533502,60.9289163));
insert into TEST01 values (2, new ST_POINT(-146.5998672,64.6908321));
insert into TEST01 values (3, new ST_POINT(-131.0855253,55.4118524));
insert into TEST01 values (4, new ST_POINT(-135.3326235,57.1425084));
insert into TEST01 values (5, new ST_POINT(-132.0403254,56.2791205));
select ROW_ID, LL_POINT.ST_AsGeoJSON() from TEST01; -- select statement is okay as well
B) import to a new table fails.
tried importing the following data, in tab delimited format, into a new table TEST02 and using ST_POINT as the Data Type for the 2nd column. 2nd column should be the wkt format as per the spatial ref guide.
1 POINT(-160.1533502 60.9289163)
2 POINT(-146.5998672 64.6908321)
3 POINT(-131.0855253 55.4118524)
4 POINT(-135.3326235 57.1425084)
5 POINT(-132.0403254 56.2791205)
6 POINT(-87.7460665 30.6592183)
the error that is produced at the end of the import workflow is the following.
Could not create table:SAP DBTech JDBC: [257]: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "null": line 3 col 22 (at pos 90): SAP DBTech JDBC: [257]: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "null": line 3 col 22 (at pos 90): SAP DBTech JDBC: [257]: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "null": line 3 col 22 (at pos 90)
com.sap.db.jdbc.exceptions.JDBCDriverException: SAP DBTech JDBC: [257]: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "null": line 3 col 22 (at pos 90)
the data preview did look okay in this case.
C) import to an existing table fails
if i create a new table via the create syntax in method (A) above and try to import the tab delimited data to that existing TEST03 table, mapping One to One, an error is produced right after pressing Next in the Define Import Properties button.
An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
there are errors after each step in the import workflow and another is
in the data preview at the end of the import workflow, only data from the ROW_ID field shows up. this differs from method (B) above in which both fields displayed okay.
question...does anyone have any steps that they have found to be successful for an Import of Point data? and / or, is there something that i'm doing wrong in the above process?