I've been developing a web application using HANA SP7 on AWS. I've been using the web IDE which I've generally found quite nice. However recently it has started timing out when I try to activate a change to an xsjs or HTML file. I just tried activating a change to a .xsaccess file with the same unfortunate result. I can save changes without activating them, but when I try to activate I just get a timeout. This is annoying because it means I can't test code any more, and it takes 400 seconds to time out each time I try.
Can anyone suggest a way to restore the IDE to functioning?
I have already looked at SAP note 1888522 to look at SELECT * FROM _SYS_XS.RUNTIME_CONFIGURATION, but I found no problem there. I have also used HDB stop / HDB start as well as restarting the AWS instance, all to no avail.
Here is a screen shot of the error I see when it finally times out.