Hi All,
I'm learning SAP HANA on my own and i have some basic questions and would appreciate your help..
1)What is the use of "Output as Aggregated Column" in aggreation node in Calc View --- My understanding is if we use raw tables directly and want to aggregrate the results before hitting the final default aggreation node that's whn the aggreation node comes in picture and also if i'm just using analytical views in calc views i don't see any benefit of aggegration nodes as the output of Analytical Views are already aggrgated
2)Whats the difference in using aggregration node and just selecting fields as output (Not Output as Aggregated column ) vs using Projection node and selecting fields as output ?
3) There are no Restricted Measures in Calc Views right ?
4)When we call the Analytical views from Calc Views do we need to call the Analytical View from _sys_bic or drag directly from the package ?
I have gone through tons of materials ..I would appreciate if you could explain with a simple example rather than pointing towards some documents
Thanks in Advance