I try to play around with the HANA Studio and created an Analytic View with two tables where in one (aka CustDetail) is stored the ID to a shop which is specified in another table (aka ShopDetail). I create the join and the results are fine - BUT the main problem I have is that the link seems to be created the wrong way, i.e.
my results are all duplicated.
So, I want to have the results as UNIQUE and know in SQL I can select via DISTINCT for the results. But somehow I don't find a way to filter the duplicates out. Playing around with the Join-Types resp. Cardinality doesn't change the result much.
Q1: How to get in the attribute view only distinct values (as a result)?
Playing around with the Join-Types lead finally to a Bug (?) in the HANA-Studio. As soon as I change to another view I get the NPE as in the screenshot.
Q2: What to do with this not very informative error? (ignore, report, check, etc.etc.)