Hi, I am new to HANA Development.
I am creating a table in HANA XS (.hdbtable format) with the below syntax. How can I specify a UNIQUE constraint on a column and provide the key names to Foreign/Primary Key? Please help. Thanks.
//To define the HDB table file use the following syntax:
//table.schemaName = "MY_SCHEMA";
//table.tableType = COLUMNSTORE;
//table.columns = [ {name = "Col1"; sqlType = VARCHAR; nullable = false; length = 20;comment = "dummy comment";},
//{name = "Col2"; sqlType = INTEGER; nullable = false;},
//{name = "Col3"; sqlType = NVARCHAR; nullable = true; length = 20;
//defaultValue = "Defaultvalue";},
//{name = "Col4"; sqlType = DECIMAL; nullable = false; precision = 12; scale = 3;}];
//table.primaryKey.pkcolumns = ["Col1", "Col2"];