I have recently downloaded SAP HANA client and Studio developer edition package for Windows 64.
Bit,but I am not able to install it on my machine.
It is giving me error:
Cannot install
Cannot install Microsoft C/C++ Runtime
Starting external program C:\Users\spragya\CSC\SAP HANA\Client and Studio\sap_hana_win64_studio_rev80\studio\msdev2010_vcredist_x64.exe
Command line is: "C:\Users\spragya\CSC\SAP HANA\Client and Studio\sap_hana_win64_studio_rev80\studio\msdev2010_vcredist_x64.exe" /q
Program terminated with exit code 1603
Can someone please let me know what is this issue and this can be rectified.
Screen image of the error attached for reference.