Imagine we have a table of NUMBER_OF_SALES (measures). The fact table represents sale items and each is linked to PRODUCT (dimension). PRODUCT has a UNIT_COST. Although this is numeric it is a dimensional attribute and not a measure. (You’d never aggregate UNIT_COST.
We want to report NUMBER_OF_SALES and VALUE_OF_SALES. We can create a calculated measure of VALUE_OF_SALES. This can be computed as NUMBER_OF_SALES times unit cost.
We can create a calculated VALUE_OF_SALES in an attribute view. The two tables are already joined in the attribute view so this would be simple. However we can’t report from an attribute view and so have to feed it into an analytic view.
Analytic view can’t receive measures from more than one table. The calculated measure comes in part from a second table. Does this prevent the analytic view from using the VALUE_OF_SALES as a measure?
If instead we have create the calculated measure in the analytic view rather than the attribute view does this still break the rule about getting measures from a single table?