I wonder about the following thing:
I configured a SYSTEM DSN 32Bit with the HDBODBC32 Driver with C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
With Crystal Reports I can access _SYS_BIC's Column Views:
With Excel I can not access _SYS_BIC's Column Views:
With Excel I get a:
"The database connection Wizard cannot obtain a list of databases from the specified datasource"
"You must either select a table or uncheck the 'Connect to a specific table/cube' checkbox in order to continue.
Unable to obtain al list of tables from the data source."
I wonder where is the uncheck Checkbox or what's the difference between Crystal and Excel ?
I'm useing the latest Releases, Reisions and SP's:
-Revision 51 for SAP HANA CLIENT 1.00 64 Bit / IMDB_CLIENT100_51-10009664.SAR-
-Revision 51 for SAP HANA CLIENT 1.00 32 Bit / IMDB_CLIENT100_51-10009665.SAR
-Revision 51 SP51 SAP HANA client 1.00 for MS Excel 32 Bit / HDBCLIENTXLS51_51-10011034.EXE
-CrystalReports 2011 FP3 / CRYSTALREPORTS03_0-20007350.EXE
-Microsoft Excel 14.0.6123.5001 (32Bit)
-Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64Bit
Thank You
Best Wishes