The formula for Revenue/Quantity is giving me the following error:
Error: [314]: numeric overflow: search table error: [6944] AttributeEngine: overflow in numeric calculation;Error executing physical plan: exception 6944: AttributeEngine/Parallel/Aggregation.cpp:573 AttributeEngine: overflow in numeric calculation; $function$=read; $message$=unable to read measures RAOL01:_SYS_CE__popid_24_531C272BF80A349FE10000007F000002_558972en TEST_Revenue fixed16.12 ,in executor::Executor in cube: RAOL01:_SYS_CE_$REQUEST$_popid_24_531C272BF80A349FE10000007F000002_558973: calcEngine search on olapIndex failed.
I am aware that if Quantity is zero then we get this error, but I have already handled it and Quantity is never zero.
Both the measures are Decimal, any suggestions as to how to handle this?