Hi all,
I am using an instance on Amazon cloud to launch to SAP HANA Studio. After I work on HANA Studio, I need to stop the instance and the most important this is to release the IP address by going to the Elastic IPs tab to avoid getting charged even after stopping the instance. Because stopping the instance is not enough. Amazon will still charge you if you stop the instance but have not released the IP address.
Here begins the problem.
Every time I start the instance, a new IP address gets generated and I need to completely delete the HDB system and then add a new system with the new IP address that was generated and create the whole thing afresh. On top of that every time I log in with the new IP address, I am getting this problem of Studio hanging for a long time when I expand the Catalog folder with the message "fetching children". I have found a solution to fix this issue by using these SQL commands mentioned below:
altersystemalter configuration ('statisticsserver.ini','SYSTEM') set('statisticsserver_general','editing')='yes'with reconfigure;
altersystemalter configuration ('statisticsserver.ini','SYSTEM') set('memorymanager','allocationlimit')='20%';
altersystemalter configuration ('statisticsserver.ini','SYSTEM') unset ('statisticsserver_general','editing') with reconfigure;
select * fromm_inifile_Contentswheresection = 'memorymanager'
altersystem stop service('<your server>',3<instance
number>05) immediate;
The above command should be used like this:
altersystem stop service('imdbhdb',30015) immediate
use imdbhdb instead of ip address to connect and 30015 is the port number. You will find the port number and IP address in HANA studio when you right click on system -> properties -> Database User Logon -> Hosts used to connect tab.
select * fromm_service_statistics
select * frompublic.schemas
But all this is taking a very long time. I would like to know if we can bypass this entire process and start HANA Studio every time with the same IP address instead of deleting the system and creating it again by using the new IP address. Because when on revision 56 I never faced these problems of 'fetching children' and never had to use the above sql commands.
I am now on revision 70.
Please advise if there is a workaround for this.
Thank you.