So in the old days of SQL server, I could do this :
Select *
inner join
left(Table_A.Field,2) = Table_B.field
I cannot see a way to do this in HANA Studio (Attribute Views, Calculated Views etc)
Wondered if anyone could confirm this before I go off spending hours/days for an alternate solution !?
My case in point, is that I have 1 table with a list of departments (AA1, AA5, AA7, BB10, , BB3, BB01, CC99..etc)
I am trying to join this field to another table which puts all the AAs and EEs in 1 category and all the BBs and YYs in another.
I imagine I could create a derived column on the main table such as left(field,2) , and then join on that.
But that itself seems contrived.?
But maybe I am thinking too much 'old school' and I need a fresh perspective on how to accomplish this in HANA.
Thanks for any advice....