Hi All
One of our Modelers has a problem with a report that's taking a couple of minutes to run. This report is using a table that we have partioned by HASH into 10 partitions already (using OPBEL as the criteria).
So we'd like to try Multi Level partitioning. We'd either like to use HASH-HASH or HASH - RANGE partitioning to split up the data better.
My Questions are:
1 - To do this am I going to have to drop the table first, then configure the Partition Criteria and then Provision the table into HANA again?
2 - If not, what might the SQL Syntax I would use to alter the table and add the new multi Level partitioning be?
3 - Would that be the same sysntax I would need to add into the SLT transaction IUUC_REPL_CONTENT to ensure the new partitioning continues?
Thanks in advance