I'm using the new SPS6 trial on Cloudshare. The new environment comes with the EPM demo preimported.
I'm trying to run some analysis on the predefined calculation view CV_SALES_OVERVIEW in sap.hana.democontent.epm.models, however, I keep getting errors.
If I use the Data Preview-function in HANA Studio (just dragging any object to an axis), I get the following error:
Error: SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error: [2620] executor: plan operation failed;currency/unit conversion error,could not read currency precisions from table "SAP_HANA_EPM_DEMO"."TCURX" - invalid table name: Could not find table/view TCURX in schema SAP_HANA_EPM_DEMO: line 1 col 53 (at pos 52) at ptime/query/catalog/catalog.cc:4760
TCURX exists, so I can't see the problem... maybe the namespace of the table, but there is no field in the currency conversion dialogue to specify a namespace.
Any ideas? Or anyone who can reproduce the problem?
Thanks in advance!