Hi Team ,
When we executing the procedure with input values execution goes fine for small set of data , but when we are executing the procedure for full data set
( call "xxxxxxV3"."XxxxxXXx::getPOSTrend"('*','*','*','*','*','*','*',?) in debug mode " we are getting bellow error ..
statement 'call "xxxxxxxV3"."xxxxxxx::getPOSTrend"('*','*','*','*','*','*','*',?) in debug mode' successfully prepared
Could not execute 'call "xxxxxxxV3"."xxxxxxx::getPOSTrend"('*','*','*','*','*','*','*',?) in debug mode' in 1.007 seconds . SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: [2048] "xxxxxxxV3"."xxxxxxx::getPOSTrend": line 13 col 1 (at pos 438): [2048] (range 3): column store error: search table error: [2920] invalid schema: found inconsistent join path "jp0" for viewattribute "SYSTEM.IT_0x7f26ab37d200:0:2.store.shipto" with fact table "SYSTEM:IT_0x7f26ab37d200:1:2.temp1" on olap index; for cube SYSTEM:0x7f26ab37d200:0Please check lines: 51, "
Can anyone please guide us what could be the reason and why procedure is throwing above error .
Thanks and Regards ,
Abhimanyu Singh