I created a script-based calc view USERS_CALC with input parameter as following.
/********* Begin Procedure Script ************/
DECLARE session_user_var VARCHAR(256) := '$$userId$$';
all_users = CE_COLUMN_TABLE("USER_TABLE", ["ID", "NAME", "UUID", "TYPE", "USER_ID"]);
var_out = CE_PROJECTION(:all_users, ["ID" AS "Id",
"NAME" AS "Name",
"UUID" AS "Uuid",
"TYPE" AS "Type",
"USER_ID" AS "UserId",
CE_CALC('"UserId"='':session_user_var''', TINYINT) AS "IsMe"]);
END /********* End Procedure Script ************/
It seems the input parameter doesn't take effect when I call the calc view "select *from"_SYS_BIC"."test.calc/USERS_CALC"(placeholder."$$userId$$"=>'b')". No matter what value I pass to the view, the result of CE_CALC is always 0 even though there should be a match that results 1.
Is there anything wrong with my calc view? Your help is appreciated.