I want to iterate over the resultset of a sql select in a procedure. I tried the example code from http://help.sap.com/hana/SAP_HANA_SQL_Script_Reference_en.pdf
unfortunately it does not work
Here is my procedure code, I'm doing a more or less basic SQL Select with a where and group_by.
CREATE PROCEDURE _SYS_BIC.reduce_bdd( in profileId VARCHAR(100) ) LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT SQL SECURITY INVOKER READS SQL DATA AS -- DECLARE CURSOR BEGIN DECLARE CURSOR c_cursor1 FOR SELECT "Dependency", "TrueDepId", "FalseDepId", "DependencyId" FROM "user"."helloWorld.data::obdd" WHERE "ProfileId" = :profileId ORDER BY "TrueDepId" ASC, "FalseDepId" ASC, "Dependency" ASC; -- ITERATION FOR cur_row as c_cursor1 DO v_profileId := cur_row.ProfileId; END FOR; END;
Like I said, I'm using the example code from the reference but I get the error that cur_row is an invalid identifier. I was not able to figure out if i have to declare it and how.
ERROR helloWorld/models/reduce_bdd.procedure
Repository: Internal error during statement execution, please see the database error traces for additional details;error executing statement; invalid identifier: CUR_ROW: line 15 col 17 (at pos 583) at ptime/query/checker/check_id.cc:365
Hopefully someone can help me.
Thanks a lot & kind regards,