I'm a new to HANA & SAP platform, I've launched my HANA instance in AWS and i'm trying to create xsjs application, I've built the application and it's deployed in HANA box. i've followed the procedure specified in below URL.
everything is fine till step 9, now i need to deploy the application and check the response. As stated in this step, i launched the URL(https://<database instance><account>.<host>/sap/hana/xs/admin/) and modified the configuration as specified below.
9. Enable SAML
Enable SAML if you are using a productive SAP HANA instance. Otherwise, you can omit this step.
- Start the SAP HANA XS Administration Tool: http://<database instance><account>.<host>/sap/hana/xs/admin/
- On the XS Applications page, select your application in the tree on the left.
- In the SECURITY panel, make sure that the Public (no authentication required) radio button is not selected. To make changes, choose Edit.
- In the AUTHENTICATION panel, choose Edit, then select SAML in the dropdown box and SAPID in the SAML Identity Provider field.
- Save your settings.
For some reason, i couldn't add SAPID in SAML identify provider(which is step 4) and i saved the configuration; but now after doing the above changes till step 3 in XS admin console, i'm receving "No successful authentication possible" when the page is refreshed.
i'm using http://<Elastic ip>:8000, when i run this page im getting "Xs engine running" default screen, but if i navigate to
http://<Elastic ip>:8000/sap/hana/xs/admin/ i'm receiving "No successful authentication possible" error.
Please guide me to get rid off this issue now.