Hi All,
What I am trying to do- The client asks for x.view.xml to the xs application.The xs application looks for the resource and sends it to the client.
Why I am trying to do it this way- I want particular view to be available to particular role.For example when user A is logged in he is ONLY able to query a.view.xml and if he queries any other view he gets an error/unable to retrieve it.
How I did it in Java- used ServletResource(ServletContext context, String path, URL url, String source) to get the resource and then use resource.pipe to dispatch it client.Here in the servlet I checked for the role and queried resources according to the role.
Now I want to do the same thing in xs engine.
What i have already achieved in HANA- The browser is able to get the resource by directly calling resource path.However this is not the functionality what I want,since this way I cant limit the user to particular views,if he queries another view(assuming he knows the location) in this approach he will be able to fetch the view.
Please help.