Hi, i am confused by the score() returned value when i use this in fuzzy search in HANA
CREATE COLUMN TABLE test_similar_calculation_mode
( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, s text);
INSERT INTO test_similar_calculation_mode VALUES ('1','stringg');
INSERT INTO test_similar_calculation_mode VALUES ('2','string theory');
INSERT INTO test_similar_calculation_mode VALUES ('3','this is a very very very long string');
INSERT INTO test_similar_calculation_mode VALUES ('4','this is another very long string');
SELECT TO_INT(SCORE()*100)/100 AS score, id, s FROM test_similar_calculation_mode WHERE CONTAINS(s, 'theory', FUZZY(0.9, 'similarCalculationMode=compare')) ORDER BY score DESC;
the returned list is just as below
0.84 2 string theory
why i assign 0.9 as threshold in fuzzy function while this line with score 0.84 also be returned.
from my understanding, the S field is text data type, so the string actually is divided into seperate word list, so the score should be 1.0, is it right?
any hints is very appreciate,thanks