I setup HANA server as described in Get your own SAP HANA, developer edition on Amazon Web Services. The server is running. But when I try to add a connection to it from Hana Studio, its not able to connect with the following error: (logon details used are SYSTEM/manager)
com.sap.ndb.studio.jdbc.JDBCConnectionStatus: Database connection is not available. See error log for details.
at com.sap.ndb.studio.jdbc.JDBCPlugin.createConnection(JDBCPlugin.java:284)
at com.sap.ndb.studio.navigator.wizards.newsapsystem.NewSAPSystemWizard$1$1.call(NewSAPSystemWizard.java:227)
at com.sap.ndb.studio.navigator.wizards.newsapsystem.NewSAPSystemWizard$1$1.call(NewSAPSystemWizard.java:1)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: com.sap.db.jdbc.exceptions.JDBCDriverException: SAP DBTech JDBC: Cannot connect to jdbc:sap://myhanaip:30015 [Cannot connect to host myhanaip:30015 [Software caused connection abort: connect], -813.].
at com.sap.db.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionSapDB.createException(SQLExceptionSapDB.java:219)
at com.sap.db.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionSapDB.createException(SQLExceptionSapDB.java:203)
at com.sap.db.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionSapDB.generateDatabaseException(SQLExceptionSapDB.java:186)
at com.sap.db.jdbc.Driver.connect(Driver.java:238)
at com.sap.ndb.studio.jdbc.JDBCConnection$1.run(JDBCConnection.java:153)
I did tried various options and read most of the blogs on connection issues, but none could help.
FYI. I installed latest Hana studio and client available in the download site. However I didnt enter any path variables or set up Hana client (path to regi.exe) in Hana studio. I didnt find any such step in guide. (I vaguely remember Thomas Jung saying about this in open.sap training).
Please let me know if I missing anything obvious.