Hi all,
my stored procedure which was working ok for some weeks now and which I haven't changed started to produce the following error message:
* 2048: column store error: [2048] "I2S"."VEGA_UPDATE": line 156 col 2 (at pos 10961): [2048] (range 3): column store error: search table error: [6900] Error executing physical plan: exception 6900:
Attribute engine failed; $function$=createEvaluator; $message$=input $$place_holder_3$$ unknown; $message$=input $$place_holder_3$$ unknown
,in executor::Executor in cube: I2S:0x7f4587173e00:1 SQLSTATE: HY000
Is there anyone out there who can explain to me what Hana wants to tell me? When I execute the statement at that line outside of the stored procedure, it runs without problems:
UPDATE a SET b = (
SELECT count(*) FROM ct, cats c1, cats c2, t WHERE ct.company = c1.category AND c1.time BETWEEN 1393496805 AND 1393583205 AND c1.document_id = c2.document_id AND c2.category = t.category AND c1.relevance >= 80 AND c2.relevance >= 70 AND a.category = ct.company);
The error appeared after switching to SPS7 on AWS.
-- Micha