Hi Experts,
I need to create a calculated column in my Analytic View called PreviousCalWeek in YYYYWW format. Ex: 201401,201402....201452 etc using the HANA Forumula/Expression editior functions. The output of this column should always look at the current system date and calculate current calweek and then finally populate PreviousCalWeek in YYYYWW format.
So I need the above column basically to find all documents where DocumentClearingWeek = PreviousCalWeek , i.e trying to find out all docs that got cleared last week.
DocumentClearingWeek is always 6 digit (YYYYWW) derived from DocumentClearingDate (mapped that to SYS_M_TimeDimension).
Could you please help me with the logic for deriving PreviousCalWeek using the functions provided in HANA expression/formula editor.
There is a now() function which gives currentdate&time and weekday() function but no week() function. Please help.