I have the following code on a Script Calculation View. But it throws the error. The purpose is to perform a select in a cursor, cursor update fields and further insert the data into a temporary table.
Any better ideas to achieve the same goal.
Best regards,
PD: Utilization BKPF table is only for example.
/********* Begin Procedure Script ************/ BEGIN declare cursor c_bkpf for select * from "SAP"."BKPF" where "MANDT"='100'; lt_bkpf_tmp = SELECT top 0 * FROM "SAP"."BKPF"; for cur_row as c_bkpf do insert :lt_bkpf_tmp into (cur_row."MANDT", cur_row."BUKRS", cur_row."BELNR", cur_row."GJAHR"); update c_bkpf set "BKTXT"='Test' where current of c_bkpf; update :lt_bkpf_tmp set "BKTXT"='Test' where "MANDT" = cur_row."MANDT" and "BUKRS" = cur_row."BUKRS" and "BELNR" = cur_row."BELNR" and "GJAHR" = cur_row."GJAHR"; end for; var_out: select "MANDT", "BUKRS", "BELNR", "GJAHR", "BKTXT" from :lt_bkpf_tmp; END /********* End Procedure Script ************/