Hello Experts,
I am trying to connect to SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager, but I am getting the below as one of the errors:
com.sap.ndb.studio.lcm.upd.ui.hostcontrol.SAPHostControlNotAccessibleException: Could not connect to SAP Host Agent on host 133.xxx.xxx.xxx. Check that it is running.
could you please let me know how can I check if the host agent in running on the SAP HANA server?
the HLM is is up and running and on HDB info i can see all these process as well:
\_ /bin/bash ./bootstrap-hlm.sh
| \_ /bin/bash /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/H01/HLM/hlm.sh
| \_ /bin/bash ./daemon.sh console -
\_ /bin/bash -c cd "/usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/H01/HLM" ; "/usr/sap/hlm_boot
| \_ /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/H01/HLM/jvm/jre/bin/java -classpath /usr
\_ /bin/sh /usr/sap/H01/HDB50/HDB info
\_ ps fx -U h01adm -o user,pid,ppid,pcpu,vsz,rss,args
sapstart pf=/hana/shared/H01/profile/H01_HDB50_
\_ hdbnameserver
\_ hdbpreprocessor
\_ hdbcompileserver
\_ hdbindexserver
\_ hdbstatisticsserver
\_ hdbxsengine
\_ sapwebdisp_hdb
/usr/sap/H01/HDB50/exe/sapstartsrv pf=/hana/shared/H01/profile/H01_HDB50_xxxxx
if the host agent is not running, how can i install it??
many Thanks,
Nitin Jain