WE are joining a table and a attribute view both having 3519 records using an inner join on 3 columns in analytical view but getting an error msg during validation as follows-
"Internal Error:exception 1: no.9500000. An internal error occurred. Assertion failed with error message JoinManager::buildJoinPathsForOneTable: Recursion depth too high, potential endless loop detected.
Loops in joins defined?nexception throw location:n 1: 0x00007f5f9455b1f1 in ltt::logic_error::logic_error(char const*, int, ltt::error_code const&)+0x10 at stdexcept.cpp:53 (libhdblttbase.so)n 2: 0x00007f5f90e90f38 in mdx::AssertFailureError::AssertFailureError(char const*, int, ltt_adp::basic_string<char, ltt::char_traits<char>, ltt::integral_constant<bool, true> > const&)+0x34 at mdxExceptions.cpp:135 (libhdbmdx.so)n 3: 0x00007f5f90f67e79 in mdx::metadata::JoinManager::buildJoinPathsForOneTable(mdx::metadata::DMOTable const*, mdx::metadata::DMOTable const*, mdx::metadata::JoinPath const*, ltt::basic_string<char, ltt::char_traits<char> > const&)+0xa35 at JoinManager.cpp:425 (libhdbmdx.so)n 4:..............."
but if the same join is done in join node of calculation view we are getting the output.Please help us with this issue.