I created a new account and grant it public role.
I logon HANA with the new account and import some tables in its own schema
when validated decision tables, I encountered a error message:
Message :
Repository: Encountered an error in repository runtime extension;error preparing statement CREATE PROCEDURE "_SYS_BIC"."TEMPERUSER/DDDD" LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT ASnBEGINnUPDATE "TEMPUSER"."FACTCURRENCYRATE" SET "ENDOFDAYRATE"=n(CASE WHEN "CURRENCYKEY" = 61 THEN 1nnELSE "ENDOFDAYRATE"nENDn);nnnnEND;n for oid {tenant: , package: TEMPERUSER, name: DDDD, suffix: hdbruldec}: insufficient privilege: Not authorized at ptime/query/checker/query_check.cc:2011
what shall I do the next?