Hello all,
First to all my name is Jorge Bea Gabas , I was working in SAP BASIS for the last five year, I am Certificate in Netweaver 702 ORACLE/SQL SERVER.
In the last few months I have under investigation HANA technology in AWS , actually I have deployed a HANA Cluster in AWS with the URL :
And in this instance I have installed a ERP 6 EHP 7 with an Application Server in Windows to dispatch the users connections , I have deployed an Image of the HANA Master to create a HANA Standby also.
Now What I going to try is deploy a several CR1 devices in https://cloud.saphanahub.com/cu/hanacr1.html for Ireland region but I have several questions.
It´s possible deploy one CR1 device in eu-west-1a and other one in eu-west-1b with the AWS/SAP tool or you have to create your own template to do that?
In case that you have to create a template to put the devices in different Aviability Zones there are any SAP/AWS how-to to do that?
My Idea is create a HANA Cluster in two or three Avaibility Zone to have a High Aviability System, so if the master database falls one worker takes the master role and the system hasn´t impact.
Excuse me for my English that´s not my mother tongue , I am going to class to improve that
Regards and lot of thanks , Jorge.