I'm trying to insert 11570 records in three tables in a database.
Ist table: 25 records
2nd table: 57 records
3rd table: 11488 records
The syntax for all the insert statements if fine.
If I execute only around 1672 or 1690 statements in one go, the script executes successfully.
Now the problem I'm facing is:
Whenever I try to execute the script containing so many insert statements, I get the following error:
Could not split statements. SQL Console content is too large.
Could not execute 'INSERT INTO "Table1" ("Id", "Localization", "ObjectId", ...' in 2.067 seconds .
SAP DBTech JDBC: [257] (at 146): sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near ";": line 1 col 146 (at pos 146)
The only reason I feel for this behavior is either memory allocation/ RAM.
Any help is much appreciated.