Hello All,
I have seen several examples to write CE functions. BUt, I have not come across any example where a join is performed on columns with different name.
For example:
With SQL:
select T1.col1, T1.col2, T1.col3 , T2.col4, T2.col5, T2.col6
from table1 T1
inner join table2 T2
on T1.col3 = T2.col7
WITH CE functions:
table1 = CE_COLUMN_TABLE("SCHEMA"."TABLE1",["col1","col2","col3"]);
table2 = CE_COLUMN_TABLE("SCHEMA"."TABLE2",["col4","col5","col6","col7"]);
var_out = CE_JOIN(:table1,:table2,[??],[])
Can anyone please help me in completing the join statement.