when checking the table consistency by the stored procedure we got several type of errors reported.
SCHEMA;MBEW;$BWTAR$MANDT$MATNR$;0;5110;Corrupt value index at udiv 7581609 (NULL!=HDB/IMP/NewDB100_REL/src///sys/src/PersistenceLayer/GlobalContainerId.hNEW;e900;500000000002550402;) in SCHEMA:MBEWen
SCHEMA;MBEW;$MANDT$MATNR$;0;5110;Corrupt value index at udiv 7581609 (NULL!=e900;500000000002550402;) in SCHEMA:MBEWen
SCHEMA;GLPCA;$KOSTL$RCLNT$;1;5110;Corrupt value index at udiv 130607093 (NULL!=yer/GlobalContainerId.h;e900;) in SCHEMA:_SYS_SPLIT_GLPCA~1en
SCHEMA;ZPEG_SOFT;$trexexternalkey$;0;5101;Duplicate row visible in main table for key 3,900;18,500000000004418797;4,1015;8,00000001 at udivs 21605205 and 24636579 in SCHEMA:ZPEG_SOFTen
SCHEMA;KONV;$trexexternalkey$;0;5130;Externalkey concat at udiv 794632000 is not equal to value computed from key columns (3,900;10,1007364851;6,000010;3,400;2,01!=0,;10,1007364851;6,000010;3,400;2,01) in SCHEMA:KONVen
We were able to find the corrupted records with duplicite key (in ZPEG_SOFT) and records with empty value in key filed (in KONV) but I don't undestand what type of issue represents the error "Corrupt value index at udiv"
Is there a way how to find these bad records? Is it possible to look up the records based on the udiv value? (select per the udiv is not working)
To be honest I don't understand what 'udiv' attribute is presenting.
We will need to reload the tables anyway but finding the records and understanding the errors is important for investigation.
Thanks for any hints